Agrinova is your trustable partner

Profesional garden machines for green keeping

Agrinova is a modern company projecting, producing and selling professional machines for green keeping

With over 30 years  of experience in this field, we have earned a good reputation for trust and reliability with our customers  around the world.

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Years of experience
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Satisfied customers
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Experience years

Mr. Ceccato Paolo founded Agrinova in 1987.
Alessandro and Sara Ceccato managed the company until 2023, when Michele Mantovani joined in the ownership.
Agrinova began to develop in small steps, without ever seeking the “dazzling effect”. “Surprising” the customer has never been a priority for us.

The sales we made at the beginning were at retailers in the area of Padua where we are based. Now we distribute our products throughout Italy and in many foreign countries.

The mission

Our mission is to provide garden lovers  and professional garden keepers with innovative, durable and  high-quality machine for the green keeping.

What we want is “to satisfy the customer on the basis of what he is looking for, becoming a trusted partnership”.

About us

I am very satisfied with the machine, which I use both in gardening and in agriculture. The chips is very finely and the material can be used as a mulch or to make good compost. It is a professional machine that I would recommend not only to companies but also to the most demanding

Andrea Volpato


“Our aim is to provide professional machinery for the care of greenery, of great quality, robust and long-lasting. Products that can be maintained and kept in working order even after ten or twenty years.